WEEKEND GIFT! Slay Queen Drops ‘Sipi Falls’ Tape | VIDEO

September 4, 2021
Slay Queen

Slay Queen

Weekend can’t be better than this to single lads who are prone to soap!

Unidentified slay queen has dropped ‘Sipi falls’ dripping tape, leaving hyenas hunting for her contacts.

Most babes have been forced to visit herbalists in search for waters but this slay queen is naturally endowed. She has natural ‘sipi’ falls.

If you are to live with her, a water-proof mattress cover is needed to avoid losses. In fact where she recorded her tape, she left the place soaked.

CLICK HERE TO WATCH VIDEO: https://imgur.com/a/Dfw6ZHo

We are yet to identify the babe but she must be of Rwandan origin. She got beef and ‘puna’ must be weighing a kilogram.

Most lads love ‘sipi falls’ experience and some hyenas have been forced to visit Western Uganda to witness the reality.