SMAU Guy Tactfully Harvests Babe At A Kampala Restaurant Broad Daylight | VIDEO 

April 11, 2023
SMAU legend

SMAU legend

Netizens are still buzzing online after a guy believed from Stingy Men Association Uganda (SMAU) tactfully harvested a babe at one of Kampala Restaurants during broad daylight.

After spending heavily on dates, some guys end up in cars, parking lots in bid to avoid double costs.

Askaris have smoked many out and some have been found on roadside by by-passers. A case in point was singer, Barbie Jay was was smoked out harvesting a babe in car while parked on roadside in Mengo.

Others tactfully harvest themselves in bars/clubs at night but, this legendary SMAU guy decided to harvest during broad daylight moreover at a restaurant.

Babysitting the babe, he first place the bag on the sides to broke the view but the bag betrayed him. This did not stop him from continuing his activity.

A concerned citizen who was seated seats away, zoomed in and recorded them fidgeting. To his shock, the activity was taking place.


At this rate, Jesus should come back faster because people have given up hope. At least at night but during day – hats off for this legendary guy.