Bajjo reveals why Abitex and Alien Skin fell out on Nkwacho festival

August 7, 2023
Alien Skin

Alien Skin

Events promoter Bajjo real name Andrew Mukasa Alfonso has revealed the reasons why his fellow Abitex and singer Alien Skin fell out on Nkwacho festival.

The festival was supposed to take place on the 28th August but weeks away, Alien Skin announced that it will not be going on.

He didn’t give any reasons for that, he simply said the so called talented promoters wanted to steal from him.

People have been wondering why Alien Skin would cancel the festival that has been in high preparations by fans.

A close person to Abitex, Bajjo said the problem was from money. The singer was asking so much money that the promoter couldn’t afford.

Read more: Alien Skin shocks fans with heartbreaking news

According to motormouthed Bajjo, Alien Skin wanted UGX100 Million for the Kwancho festival which is way to high.

The fact that Abitex didn’t agree with it, he decided to let Alien Skin call it off and any other promoters willing come on board to organize the singer.

“People have been wondering why Alien Skin cancelled his show the Nkwacho festival that was to be organized by Abitex. The truth is that Alien Skin was asking a lot of money. He wanted UGX100 Million,” Bajjo said