Shakib Issues Strong Warning To Zari After Labeling Him ‘Fala’

June 29, 2023
Shakib and Zari

Shakib and Zari

Shakib Cham real name, Shakibu Lutaaya has issued a strong warning to Zari after she labeled him ‘Fala’ (Naive) while talking to UK-based promoter, Ladynaa.

Last week, Zari and Shakib traveled to the UK for White Party which was organised by the UK-based Tanzanian promoter, Ladynaa.

Since 2017, Ladynaa has been partnering with Zari to host White Party in the UK. This time around, things did not go well between the pair after the Bosslady refused to appear at the White Party in Birmingham.

Zari with Shakib

According to Ladynaa, Zari attended White Party in London and was supposed to appear at another in Birmingham. However, the Bosslady asked Ladynaa to pay her cash before making an appearance.

After getting the money, she instead refused to attend the White Party. The next day, she took to social media and accused the promoter (Ladynaa) for failing to fulfill contractual obligations as the major reason as to why she refused to attend.

This angered Ladynaa who exposed Zari as a snake and Hypocrite. She said Zari pushed her to get Shakib a UK visa and airtticket which cost her 7000 pounds.

In their conversation, Zari can be heard telling Ladynaa to brief Shakib on the travel revealing that he is naive (Fala) and that he has not traveled to many countries apart from South Africa and Dubai.

After listening to audios, SHakib posted on social media warning his wife, Zari to show him respect.

Don’t talk bad about your husband to anyone ever… Respect me in my absence. That’s all i ask
