Is it true? Geosteady brags about having eight houses

August 2, 2023
Geosteady with new lover, Hindu Kay

Geosteady with new lover, Hindu Kay

Singer and Prima Kardashi ex husband baby daddy Geosteady has bragged about having eight houses on his own.

He said he no longer rents, he is now a land lord of different apartments around Kampala City.

Prima Kardashi and Geosteady were together for more than eight years. But their relationship came to an end in 2019 after the singer fathered a child with his video vixen.

Geosteady went ahead to start an official relationship with his receptionist that used to work for him and Prima Kardashi.

Ever since their separation, they have been having an on and off relationship/co-parenting.

Prima Kardashi always says she supports baby Daddy Geosteady just for the sake of their children. She wants him to have more assets for them as a father.

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It looks like Prima has worked hard to make Geosteady save and invest for their two children. He confirmed live on television that he has eight houses.

He said he is using two of them which one has his girlfriend Hindu and others are bringing in money from rentals.

“I am not bragging but I have eight houses. Those houses bring in money inform of rent. I am only remaining with two, the one I stay in and another one that has my girlfriend Hindu Kay,” Geosteady said