Did Martha Mukisa Sleep With Bebe Cool’a Son? Here Is The Truth

June 10, 2024
Martha Mukisa

Martha Mukisa

Singer Martha Mukisa has opened about her previous relationship and accusations that have been made about her and her love life.

She spoke the truth about being in a relationship with singer Bebe Cool’s son who is also a singer known as Allan Hendrick.

Like any other lady while growing up, Martha Mukisa had crushes and boys that he admired. Allan Hendrick was one of those boys that she felt like being around with.

Fortunately they were in the same school and same class but still she couldn’t express herself to the extent of even forming a relationships with him.

Saying it out in the public after joining the music industry, Martha Mukisa said people started coming out with fake stories of how she actually slept with Allan Hendrick.

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According to the singer, she didn’t t sleep with him and will never sleep win him. She said the crush even faded away, it is no longer their as they have al grown up.

Martha Mukisa asked fans to stop making such allegations as they might destroy someone’s relationship or even a marriage.

“I have heard of multiple times that I slept with Bebe Cool’s son but it is not true. We were in the same school and I had a crush on him but that was it nothing more that,”
