They don’t deserve my time – Vinka scoffs at haters of her song ‘Bailando’

October 24, 2023


Veronica Nalugya famously known as Vinka the Swangz Avenue artiste had scoffed at haters of her Bailando song.

She said they don’t deserve her time and she doesn’t think she will ever talk about them any other time in her life.

Vinka released her Bailando song early this year. Some musicians like Victor Ruz didn’t like it all.

He immediately commented about it saying the song is very good but the person that wrote it wasn’t creative enough to put in more words.

Vinka didn’t appreciate Victor Ruz’s comments. When asked about him she said she doesn’t know anything about the upcoming young star Victor Ruz.

Bailando was listed among the songs to be nominated in the upcoming Grammy Awards.

Vinka distances herself from competing with fellow Swangz Avenue artistes

According to Vinka, she is very happy and grateful in that she no longer even listens to haters. Her song was good enough to be taken to the biggest entertainment award in the world.

“I can’t give time to the haters who didn’t want my song ‘Bailando. I am happy and grateful to have been listed among the people to be nominated for the Grammy Awards,” Vinka