DJ Slick Stuart on why dejaays need to dress appropriately

July 24, 2023

Famous city Dejaay known as DJ Slick Stuart has reminded his fellow Dejaays the importance of dressing smart.

Slick Stuart is one of the most loved dejaays in Uganda by ladies. That is because of his looks and the way he dresses.

Being a dejaay is an ordinary job in Uganda where most of these people are in happy places like clubs, bars and others like concerts.

With these events, they are need casual dress code which has some how got locked into the daily lives of Dejaays.

Even on other events that don’t require casual dress code, you find dejaays dressing that way because they is what they are used of.

According to DJ Slick Stuart, dejaays need to learn that most times, people address them without respect just because of the way they dress.

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He said every dejaay needs to have some good looking clothes to put on outside their jobs like when meeting with some important people.

DJ Slick Stuart asked his fellows robe good looking because that is the way most people will respect them and the jobs they do.

“It is very sad to see how our Ugandan dejaays actually dress. I know and understand that the jobs we do need casual dressing but that doesn’t mean you be in those clothes everywhere. Dejaays need to have some good clothes aside to put on while going to meet other different people,” DJ Slick Stuart said.

He even talked about working out to keep fit. Slick Stuart advised Dejaays to also hit gym at some point of their lives.