BALLOONED! Sheebah Shows Off Bulging Tummy, Netizens Shocked | VIDEO

February 27, 2024

Sheebah Karungi has showed off bulging tummy, leaving netizens shocked and praising the undisputed champ that planted a hot seed in her womb.

Over the years, Sheebah has been calling herself a feminist and she has never showed off a boyfriend. Most of the times, she surrounds herself with babes and in the past, she used to be tight with rapper, Keko.


Looking at her former group-mates; Obsessions, the Queen Karma is the only left without kids. On most interviews, journalists have been questioning when will she give birth, And her response; “That’s my personal life”.

Since her music battle with Cindy at Kololo Independence Grounds, Sheebah has been off the scene. Today, she appeared in a video choreographing one of her songs while donning a baggy dress.

Our snoops managed to see a bulging tummy and her feet also look swollen, a sign that she is pregnant.

Check the video below: