Alien Skin on why he finally allowed to fly to London for purple party show

June 23, 2023
Alien Skin

Alien Skin

Trending Ugandan singer Alien Skin has revealed the strange reason why he finally allowed to fly to London for purple party show.

He said it is because of the maximum security that has been promised to him by the British government.

Alien Skin was booked for this show months ago but later he got a misunderstanding with Pallaso which resulted into some physical altercation.

After that, he developed so much hatred for Pallaso and even swore to never get on the same stage with him.

He told the promoters of purple party show that he will not go their if Pallaso shows up and he learnt at the last minute that the singer’s visa was approved.

Alien Skin cancelled the show and did interviews about it saying he told promoters to choose between him and Pallaso.

After weighing in, Pallaso’s visa was cancelled and Alien Skin then allowed to finally go to perform.

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What was surprising is the reason he gave for his going. He said the main reason is because of the security and assurance from the British government that everything will be okay.

“My team has had various engagements with the British government, they’ve promised me maximum security, besides that, Pallaso’s visa was cancelled” – AlienskinUg

It should be remembered that the London trip is Alien Skin’s first ever trip and flight outside Uganda.