Man Nabs His Bae Red-Handed Being Harvested | VIDEO

January 28, 2022
Man nabs bae being harvested

Man nabs bae being harvested

Drama erupted on social media after a man from one of the West African countries caught his bae red-handed being harvested in from of their young child.

In the video a man can be seen interrogating his bae with the harvester dressed in Adam suit.

What pissed off the man is the fact that the on-fire pair shamelessly played bedminton in front of his child.

The harvester with all his mass body coiled his tail as the man of the house calmly questioned him as to why he had to come to his house.

In most countries, men who work and have their baes stay home have been victims of such simply because the serial harvesters know their schedule.

However, due to to snitches, some harvesters have been caught and shamed in broad day light.