Geosteady Shows Off Grown Son | Now We Know Why Prima Kardashi Left

April 25, 2022


Singer, Hassan Kigozi aka Geosteady has finally showed off his son he fathered with a side chick, a sign that he cheated on Prima Kardashi.

Prima and Geosteady parted ways in October 2020 after ‘Owooma’ hitmaker told Mama Lusaniya that he wanted peace of mind. In their 6-year on and off relationship, the pair produced two beautiful girls, Sorayah and Solange Kigozi.

Prima Kardashi and Geosteady

By the time of separation, the pair were not on good terms and from our observation, ‘Viola’ singer must have cheated on Prima.

On Wednesday, the ‘Owooma’ singer posted a photo of his charmingly grown baby boy with a caption “S.O.N”. The baby looks a one year old.

Geosteady’s baby boy

It’s now one year and 7 months since Prima and Geosteady parted ways. It takes 9 months for a mother to give birth. Our calculations tell us that Geosteady started munching the mum to his baby boy when he was still with Prima.

We understand why Prima was so angry and never wanted him to see her girls again. But she finally allowed him to meet them and they are now co-parenting.

Geosteady is now in a relationship with Hindu Kay while Prima landed Henry Danson.