CBS FM Presenter, Mbaziira Tonny Cheats Death

February 5, 2022
Mbaziira Tonny

Mbaziira Tonny

Mbaziira Tonny, CBS FM Emmanduso Township Tunes show host cheated death by a whisker after his car rolled last night in Greater-Masaka region.

Mbaziira known for his mixes ‘Ebinyaanya’ who was driving from Kyotera, got involved in an accident in Kalisizo when his car rolled as he tried to dodge a boda boda rider.

According to CBS FM Emmanduso Facebook page, Mbaziira suffered some injuries but his condition is not alarming.

Mbaziira and Ssuna Ben

Mbaziira Tonny ow’ebinyaanya asimattuse akabenje!Muweereza munnaffe Mbaziira Tonny akuweereza program Township Tunes ku Mmanduso asimattuse akabenje mu bitundu by’e Kaliisizo mu kiro ekikeesezza leero. Abadde ava mu bitundu by’e Kyotera wabula abadde agezaako okutaasa omugoba wa boodabooda, emmotoka n’egaana kwekwefuula.Yafunyeemu obuvune obutonotono , tumusabire assuuke.


Apart from CBS FM gig, Mbaziira and Ssuna Ben run a disco sound. They stage shows in the villages mixing songs with their beats known as ‘Ebinyaanya’.

Mbaziira and Ssuna Ben used to work on Buddu FM in Masaka and due to their big listenership, Kampala radios poached them. Ssuna Ben is at Bukedde FM while Mbaziira ended at CBS FM Emmanduso.

Their partnership has landed them gigs at parties and concerts, pocketing big dimes in the process.

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